Week 36

September 2015—September 2015

This is a post about weeknotes.

My last week at the BBC.


Exit interview with a member of the management team. She's a journalist so knows how to ask the questions. Was great to talk through my feelings about leaving and get some feedback about my work. Made me realise that a lot of what I'm feeling is just the need to do something else.


Move admin.


Leaving drinks. Got a nice Berlin Moleskine notebook and a ticket to Reject JS. Had some drinks in the local pub which was fun and funny. I'm going to miss the humour.


Pack up Walls Have Eyes and head down to Brighton. Jasmine joined us at Euston and we all went down together. oanne came down in the evening. Checked into the hotel and then got a takeaway and sat on the balcony in Jasmine's executive hotel suite that she seems to have been upgraded to.


Super-early start to go to the Brighton Dome and setup the installation. After a bit of a stress about the lack of connection to the TV it all went ok and worked reliably, spewing out plenty of data.

We got on with enjoying the conference and listening to the great speakers. At the end, they announced that it was the last dConstruct which was a shock and quite fitting for my last day at the BBC. Especially since an annual trip down to the seaside has been part of the rhythm of my career at the organisation.

Drinks and dinner afterwards and it was all over.


Spent some time in a very sunny and warm Brighton exploring the Digital Festival before travelling back to London. I visited Familiars an installation visualising sea, air and rail traffice in the area using spatialised audio and projection. Very nice having this god's eye immersive view of the landscape and the invisible information.

Also got myself some random noise from the White Noise Boutique, a pop-up art shop that allows you to purchase some white noise created by a variety of different sources. You can either get a digital file or vinyl while-you-wait all impeccably packaged.


Packing and tidying and moving everything into the tiny spare room of my flat.